
Florida Equine Short Course 2024

Jan 2, 2024 - Dec 29, 2024

$100 Enroll

Full course description

A ten-month in-depth educational series combining lectures, moderated discussions, and guided assignments led by University of Florida Equine Experts. This one-of-a-kind learning event will culminate in a field trip to the University of Florida Horse Teaching Unit in Gainesville. 

Learning modules include:

  • Pesky parasites- Internal & external parasite management
  • Poison in the pasture- How to manage toxic pasture weeds
  • Planning productive pastures- Grazing management and pasture health 
  • Vaccinations- Core vaccine recommendations for FL horses
  • Feeding the equine animal- A focus on digestive anatomy of the horse
  • Feeding the special needs horse- A look at horses with special dietary needs
  • Understanding equine behavior- Use of behavior as it relates to horse health, well being, and training
  • The Colic conundrum- A review of colic in horses and what causes this disruption

Course Schedule 



Lecture Title


Taught by:




Pesky Parasites and Practical Steps for Prevention

A practical overview of common internal and external parasites of horses to include the prevention strategies and deworming protocols that work for Florida horses.

Dr. Saundra TenBroeck, University of Florida Department of Animal Science



Poison in the Pasture

When it comes to toxic weeds, what you don’t know could hurt you. Learn the basics of toxic weed identification, prevention, and eradication to prevent poisonings in the pasture.

Meg Brew, UF/IFAS Extension Lake County Livestock Agent and County Extension Director



Planning for Productive Pastures

An overview of basic pasture management for horse owners, to include grazing management, forage selection, and nutrient management.

Caitlin Justesen, UF/IFAS Extension Marion County Livestock Agent



Shots, Shots, Shots: Understanding the Core Vaccines for Florida Horses and the Diseases they Protect Against

An overview of the core vaccines that every Florida horse owner should know, what diseases they prevent, how vaccines work, and what other vaccines you might consider and why.

Dr. Sally DeNotta, University of Florida School of Veterinary Medicine



Feeding the Equine Animal: An Anatomy Based Approach to Equine Nutrition

A tour of the equine digestive system with an eye towards understanding what it tells us about how horses are designed to eat and how we can do a better job meeting their needs.

Meg Brew, UF/IFAS Extension Lake County Livestock Agent and County Extension Director



Feeding the Special Needs Horse

Special horses have special needs, and this session will cover how we can better go about meeting the nutritional needs of senior horses, horses with PPID and metabolic syndrome, amongst other issues.

Dr. Lori Warren, University of Florida Department of Animal Science



Understanding Equine Behavior: The Science Behind Why Horses Act the Way They Do

Equine behavior expert and State Extension Specialist, Dr. Wickens will provide an overview of equine behavior, how horses think and learn, and how we can use this information to be smarter in terms of management and training

Dr. Carissa Wickens, University of Florida Department of Animal Science



Conquering Mount Manure

Horses produces a lot of manure and as horse owners we are responsible for handling it in an environmentally responsible way. This session will cover manure management options, understanding BMPs, and how to compost horse manure.

Caitlin Justesen, UF/IFAS Extension Marion County Livestock Agent



The Colic Conundrum: What Every Florida Horse Owner Should Know

Colic is every horse owner’s worst nightmare and an all-too-common problem. Our Extension Equine Vet, Dr. DeNotta will define the types of colic, discuss strategies for preventing colic, and cover what every horse owner should know in terms of first aid for colic, what to treat at home, when to call the vet, and how to tell when a colic is an emergency.

Dr. Sally DeNotta, University of Florida School of Veterinary Medicine



Join us for a hands on and in-person field trip to put into practice many of the concepts from this course. Details to follow!